Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5

Auth Assistant


Auth Assistant extracts one-time passcode from sms and sends it to the caller app. It shows a loading page while expecting an message within a certain amount of time.

Activity restrictions

  • pattern is required
  • timeout must be greater than 10 seconds and less than 3 minutes (default to 30 seconds)
"filters": [
    "type": "pattern",
    "pattern": { "required": true }
  }, {
    "type": "timeout",
    "timeout": { "required": false, "min": 10000, "max": 180000 }

Testing Example

Example 1

  • Expected SMS message to match /KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g


  • Call get-otp activity with the corresponding message pattern

var activity = new MozActivity({
  name: "get-otp",
  data: {
    pattern: /KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g,
    timeout: 60000

activity.onsuccess = function(evt) {
  console.log("activity success. code: ",[0]);

activity.onerror = function() {
  • Send a message
navigator.mozMobileMessage.send(${phone_number}, "KAIOS-5566");
  • Success message

    activity success. code: KAIOS-5566

Example 2

  • Expected to match two patterns, /KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g and /WW--([0-9]{4,8})/g

    Your KaiOS account OTP code: KAI-5566 and WW-12345, please verify it within 2 minutes

  • Call get-otp activity with the corresponding message pattern

var activity = new MozActivity({
  name: "get-otp",
  data: {
    pattern: [/KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g, /WW-([0-9]{4,8})/g],
    timeout: 120000

activity.onsuccess = function(evt) {
  console.log(`activity success. code: ${[0]} and ${[1]}`);

activity.onerror = function() {
  • Send a message
navigator.mozMobileMessage.send(${phone_number}, "Your KaiOS account OTP code: KAI-5566 and WW-12345, please verify it within 2 min");
  • Success message

    activity success. code: KAI-5566 and WW-12345

Error handle

Device did not install Auth Assistant

  • If device did not install Auth Assistant, the error callback function will be invoke.


var activity = new MozActivity({
  name: 'get-otp',
  data: {
    pattern: /KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g,
    timeout: 10000,

activity.onsuccess = function (evt) {
  console.log('activity success. code: ',[0]);

activity.onerror = function () {
  console.log('activity error:',;
  if ( === 'NO_PROVIDER') {
    // this activity is for directing user to install Auth Assistant
    let storeActivity = new MozActivity({
      name: 'inline-open-by-name',
      data: {
        type: 'name',
        name: 'otpparser',
        autoDownload: true,
  • Error message

activity error: NO_PROVIDER

  • You can use following code for redirect user to Store to install Auth Assistant.
var activity = new MozActivity({
  name: 'get-otp',
  data: {
    pattern: /KAIOS-([0-9]{4,8})/g,
    timeout: 10000,

activity.onsuccess = function (evt) {
  console.log('activity success. code: ',[0]);

activity.onerror = function () {
  console.log('activity error:',;
  if ( === 'NO_PROVIDER') {
    // this activity is for directing user to install Auth Assistant
    let storeActivity = new MozActivity({
      name: 'inline-open-by-name',
      data: {
        type: 'name',
        name: 'otpparser',
        autoDownload: true,