Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5


The get() method of the DataStore interface retrieves one or more objects from the current data store.


store.get(1).then(function(obj) {
// Do something with obj, which is the record retrieved from the data store


A Promise object of type DataStoreKey that resolves with either a specific record from the data store, or an array of records if multiple records were requested.


  • id
    get() can passed one or more ids of specific records that you want to retrieve from the data store. When you want to retrieve multiple ids, you pass them in as multiple parameters, rather than an array or object, e.g. get(1,2,3).


The following example gets all the data stores on the device called "contacts", then requests the first three records stored in the first "contacts" data store and prints them out to the console:

navigator.getDataStores('contacts').then(function(stores) {
stores[0].get(1,2,3).then(function(obj) {
for(i = 0; i <= obj.length; i++) {