Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5



The BluetoothDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a found/paired device (BluetoothDevice) object or the address or an unpaired device as the parameter of a devicefound, devicepaired or deviceunpaired event handler (see BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound, BluetoothAdapter.ondevicepaired, and BluetoothAdapter.ondeviceunpaired), when fired.

Interface overview#

interface BluetoothDeviceEvent : Event
readonly attribute BluetoothDevice? device;
readonly attribute DOMString? address;


  • BluetoothDeviceEvent.device read-only no-link Returns a BluetoothDevice object representing the paired remote device. Returns null for the BluetoothAdapter.ondeviceunpaired event handler since the that only requires the address of the unpaired device.

  • BluetoothDeviceEvent.address read-only no-link Returns a DOMString representing the address of the unpaired remote device. Returns null for the BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound and BluetoothAdapter.ondevicepaired event handlers since a found/paired remote device already has an BluetoothDevice.address property.