Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5



The method fetches the up-to-date UUID list of services that the device provides. If the fetchUuids operation succeeds, an onattributechanged would be triggered right before the Promise is resolved to indicate device.uuids has changed.


A Promise to indicate whether the operation is resolved or rejected. If the Promise is resolved, it returns a DOMString array representing the updated list of UUIDs.


device.fetchUuids().then ( function onResolve(uuids) {
console.log("Resolved with uuids:");
for (var i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++) {
console.log("uuid", i, "is", uuids[i]);
}, function onReject(aReason) {
console.log("Rejected with this reason: " + aReason);