Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5



The AudioContext interface represents an audio-processing graph built from audio modules linked together, each represented by an AudioNode. An audio context controls both the creation of the nodes it contains and the execution of the audio processing, or decoding. You need to create an AudioContext before you do anything else, as everything happens inside a context.



Also inherits properties from its parent interface, BaseAudioContext.

  • AudioContext.baseLatency read-only
    Returns the number of seconds of processing latency incurred by the AudioContext passing the audio from the AudioDestinationNode to the audio subsystem.
  • AudioContext.outputLatency read-only
    Returns an estimation of the output latency of the current audio context.


Also inherits methods from its parent interface, BaseAudioContext.

  • AudioContext.close()
    Closes the audio context, releasing any system audio resources that it uses.
  • AudioContext.createMediaElementSource()
    Creates a MediaElementAudioSourceNode associated with an HTMLMediaElement. This can be used to play and manipulate audio from <video> or <audio> elements.
  • AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource()
    Creates a MediaStreamAudioSourceNode associated with a MediaStream representing an audio stream which may come from the local computer microphone or other sources.
  • AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination()
    Creates a MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode associated with a MediaStream representing an audio stream which may be stored in a local file or sent to another computer.
  • AudioContext.createMediaStreamTrackSource()
    Creates a MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode associated with a MediaStream representing an media stream track.
  • AudioContext.getOutputTimestamp()
    Returns a new AudioTimestamp object containing two correlated context's audio stream position values.
  • AudioContext.requestCleanAfterRelease()
  • AudioContext.resume()
    Resumes the progression of time in an audio context that has previously been suspended.
  • AudioContext.suspend()
    Suspends the progression of time in the audio context, temporarily halting audio hardware access and reducing CPU/battery usage in the process.


Basic audio context declaration:

var audioCtx = new AudioContext();

Cross browser variant:

var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var oscillatorNode = audioCtx.createOscillator();
var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
var finish = audioCtx.destination;
// etc.