Version: Smart Feature Phone 2.5


The add method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms.


var request = navigator.mozAlarms.add(date, respectTimezone[, data]);


  • date - A Date object representing the time the alarm must be fired.

  • respectTimezone - A string that indicates if the alarm must be fired respecting the timezone set with the date. Possible values are ignoreTimezone or honorTimezone.

  • data (Optional) - An arbitrary JavaScript object with data to be stored with the alarm.


A DOMRequest object to handle the success or failure of the method call.

If the method call is successfull, the request's result will be a number representing the id of the alarm.


var alarm = {
date: new Date('July 27, 2013 20:00:00'),
respectTimezone: 'ignoreTimezone',
data: {
message: 'Do something dude!'
var request = navigator.mozAlarms.add(,
request.onsuccess = function() {
console.log('A new alarm has been set:' + this.result); = this.result; // get the id of the new alarm.
request.onerror = function() {
console.log('operation failed: ' + this.error);

Note: You need to use the same URL for setting and receiving an alarm. For example, If you invoke navigator.mozAlarms.add() on foo.html or index.html?foo=bar, but have { "alarm": "/index.html" } in your manifest messages field, you'll never receive the alarm.